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Simon Alangde Asabo

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Simon Alangde Asabo yɛ Ghana amanyɛnyi na mbrahyɛbaguanyi a abɛsen kɔ ma Bongo mpasuardo wɔ Etsifi Epuei mbewdo wɔ Ghana wɔ Kwasafoman a otsia anan no mu.


Wɔwoo Asabo wɔ Bongo wɔ Etsifi-Epuei mbewdo wɔ Ghana.


Alangde yɛ Nkontaabunyi.


Odzi kan no wɔpaaw Alangde dɛ mbrahyɛbaguanyi dze maa Bongo mpasuar wɔ mbrahyɛbagua a ɔtɔdo ebien wɔ kwasafoman a otsia anan no mu wɔ Ghana wɔ afe apem ahaakorɔn eduokorɔn esia Ghana asahen abatow no mu. Wɔpaaw no wɔ NDC amanyɛkuw no akwanya ahoma do. Ɔdze ne bɛhyɛɛ Gaaga Akayeri Azitariga a nna no so Akatamanso amanyɛkuwba (National Democratic Congress) dze ogyinaa wɔ mbrahyɛbagua a odzi kan no wɔ kwasafoman a otsia anan no mu wɔ Ghana mu. Alangde hweer ne dzibew no maa Albert Abongo wɔ abatow a ɔtoaa do no wɔ afe apem ahaebien no mu.


Mba dodow 30,750 mu a wotuum kanee no, Alangde nyaa mu 22,695 a nna ogyina hɔ ma 73.8% na wogyinaa do paaw no. Wɔsaan Emmanuel Akobire Adosenaba a ɔyɛ "People's Convention party" kuwba, Ayamga Joseph Leo a ɔyɛ "National Convention Party" ananmusinyi na John Adobongo Atanga a ɔyɛ "People's National Convention" kuwba ho yii Alangde. Mba a dɛm nyimpakuw yi nyaa yɛ 8.7%, 3.15% na 14.34% dɛ mbrɛ hɔn edzin no dzidzi do no.


1996 Parliamentary Election Results. Ghana: Electoral Commission of Ghana. p. 6. FM, Peace. "Ghana Election 2000 Results - Bongo Constituency". Ghana Elections - Peace FM. Retrieved 2020-10-18. FM, Peace. "Parliament - Bongo Constituency Election 2012 Results". Ghana Elections - Peace FM. Retrieved 2020-10-18. Elected Parliamentarians - 1992 Elections. Ghana: Electoral Commission of Ghana. Electoral Commission of Ghana Parliamentary Result -Election 2000 (PDF). Ghana: Electoral Commission of Ghana. 2007. p. 39. FM, Peace. "Parliament - Bongo Constituency Election 2000 Results". Ghana Elections - Peace FM. Retrieved 2020-10-18. FM, Peace. "Parliament - Bongo Constituency Election 1996 Results". Ghana Elections - Peace FM. Retrieved 2020-10-18.