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Osei Tutu Senior High School

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Osei Tutu Senior High School
educational institution, single-sex school, Ntoado Sukuu, boarding school, public school
Inception1940 Sesa mu
ContinentAfrica(Ebibirim) Sesa mu
CountryGhana Sesa mu
Located in the administrative territorial entityAtwima Nwabiagya Municipal District, Ashanti Region Sesa mu
Coordinate location6°44′15″N 1°43′23″W Sesa mu
Edwumayɛbea nkorbataAkropong Sesa mu
OperatorGhana Education Service Sesa mu

Osei Tutu Senior High School yɛ mbanyimfo nkotsee nsɔwdo skuul a ɔwɔ Akropong wɔ Asante mantɔw mu wɔ Ghana.

Wɔkan skuul ahorow a agye dzin na odzi mu wɔ Asante Mantɔw mu a, wɔnnsan Osei Tutu Nsɔwdo skuul ho.

Adrɛɛse: Akropong, Kumase

Hɔn a woewie: ABREMPONG

Afe a wɔtsew skuul no: 1940

Esuafo no dodow: 3,700

Gyinapɛn: Nsɔwdo 1–3

Skuul no mansin: Atwima Nwabiagya North

Ahosu: Fufuw, 'Blue'

Hɔn nsabran: Vacus O.T / Vacus Land

Motto: My Utmost for His Highest

Dɔnhwer: Closed ⋅

Wobue no 7:30 am Dwowda

Nɔmba: 054 747 2237

Skuul no bi: Aman skuul. Nsɔwdo Nwomasua

Affiliation: Methodist Church Ghana